by Lynn on April 24, 2011

in The Passionate Playgoer

At the Royal Alexandra Theatre. Written by Tim Firth. Directed by Marti Maraden. Sets by Robert Jones. Costumes by Emma Williams. Lighting by Malcolm Rippeth. Music by Steve Parry. Sound by John Bent Jr. Starring: Kathryn Akin, Terry Cherniack, Barbara Gordon, Kyra Harper, Fiona Highet, Dan Lett, Sweeney MacArthur, Kimberley Rampersad, Fiona Reid, Bridgitte Robinson, Jane Spence, Gordon Tanner.

David Mirvish presents a co-production with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre where the production had its Canadian premiere, presented by arrangement with David Pugh, and Dafydd Rogers.

This play of course is based on the film of the same name. It’s about a group of proper middle-aged women living in a small Yorkshire (England) town who do good works for the community; they make jam, bake, knit and sing in the choir. When Annie Clarke’s husband John is diagnosed with cancer, the ladies decide to raise money to buy a comfortable settee (a ‘sofa’ to us in the colonies) for the hospital waiting room. They figure the best way to make a lot of money fast is to produce a calendar in which each woman will pose nude, but with their privates discretely hidden by perhaps some cup-cakes, knitting, a piano etc. This raises the ire of the more prudish in the village, and the curiosity of the press around the country.

The calendar is a sensation. The women become celebrities, especially Chris the ringleader of the project. With success comes friction between friends, bruised feelings and a sense that something sweet and simple is taking on larger proportions they did not intend. The noble reason for doing the calendar in the first place seems to be shunted aside.

“Sweet” is the best way of describing Tim Firth’s play. Calendar Girls is open-hearted and generous spirited. He captures the quirkiness of the many and various characters in that tiny village; Annie who frets over John and quietly grieves when he passes away; Chris who is eager, lively, and perhaps needy for attention; Marie, the social-climbing, prig organizer of many of the village’s social functions; Celia a young voluptuous woman many others gossip about because of jealousy; Jessie who is easy-going until she’s faced with something unfair. These ladies seem so comfortable in that Yorkshire setting, yet we all can recognize every one of them in our neck of the woods.

I think Robert Jones’s set is problematic. The playing area is a raised square platform that represents the meeting room of the ladies’ various get togethers. The space is confining; there is only so much movement you can do on that platform. I sense from the program that director Marti Maraden, inherited the design team from the Chichester Festival in England (where the play was first produced last year). She does noble work. Setting up the various poses to be discrete, funny and provocative is impressive.

The cast is strong as well. There is some fine work on that stage. As Chris, Fiona Reid is that recognizable ‘take-charge’ woman who needs to be in the centre of things. More than anything Chris is needy for the limelight. I think a few time Reid is pushing too hard, even though it does work for the character.

As Marie the prissy social climber, Brigitte Robinson is spot on. She has that elegant way with a stinging barb. Celia, the village sex-pot, is beautifully played by Jane Spence with a sensuous joy and just a hint of insecurity. And Jessie who knits is well played by Barbara Gordon, who is quiet until riled, then she lets loose with a well placed line that just nails anyone who is a phony. It’s a lovely cast performing this sweet play.

Calendar Girls plays until May 29, 2011.

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2 tyronwic January 9, 2019 at 11:04 am

My name is Eliot. And I am a professional Content writer with many years of experience in writing.

My main focus is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several associations as a volunteer and have assisted people in many ways.
My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a passionate writer who started at an early age.
I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my books in different countries like USA, Russia and others too numerous to mention.
I also work in an organization that provides assistance to many students from different parts of the world. People always come to me because I work no matter how hard their projects are. I help them to save energy, because I feel fulfilled when people come to me for professional help.

Academic Writer – Eliot – Cocalerofilm Team


3 eesawalt February 14, 2019 at 5:46 am

Hello everyone , I’m Noah Wilkinson.
Welcome to my homepage . I started writing in high school after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for a while before I thought about doing something else.
I had always loved doing research papers because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing talent with a love of learning, research paper writing only makes sense as a job.
I’m passionate about aiding the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

Noah – Professional Academic Writer – Myessaypartner Corp


4 pennyallis February 20, 2019 at 1:59 pm

Hi Everybody
Thanks for checking out my academic writing page . My name is Penny Allison.
I have worked several years in this niche. My interest in writing started at a young age. I wrote journaled as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into news reporting eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for qualified writers. I specialize in essays, but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Contact me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

Academic Writer – Penny Allison – //]Mantecateachers Corps


5 victoriapatton March 14, 2019 at 7:26 am

Hi guys, it’s Victoria Patton here!
I work as a professional an essay writer and have created this content with the intent of changing your life for the better. I started honing my writing skills in high school. I learned that my fellow students needed writing help—and they were willing to pay for it. The money was enough to help pay my tuition for my first semester of college.
Ever since school, I have continued to work as a professional writer. I was hired by a writing company based in the United Kingdom. Since then, the dissertations that I have written have been sold around Europe and the United States.
In my line of work, I have become familiar with hearing, “Victoria, can you help me meet my writing assignment deadline?” I know that I can save their time.

Professional Writer – Victoria Patton – A2zcareers Confederation


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9 jenaber April 4, 2019 at 5:50 am

Hi, my name is Jena Berry!

I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
Writing has been my passion since early years and now I can`t imagine my life without it.
Most of my poems were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even Australia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time.
People ask me “Mr, Jena Berry, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems!

Academic Writer – Jena Berry – Benefitsofhomework Company


10 gretabrock May 7, 2019 at 7:05 am

Welcome to my blog ,
I’m Greta.
If you’ve ever been too tired and couldn’t finish a research paper , then you’ve come to the right place. I work with students in all areas of the writing process . I can also write the paper from start to finish.
My career as a professional writer started during high school. After learning that I was very skilled in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a job .

Skilled Academic Writer- Greta Brock- Thescientistexpo Confederation


11 beverlypier May 20, 2019 at 10:30 am

Welcome to my blog ! I’m Beverly Pierce.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a skill I have fostered from childhood. Though my aunt is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in science when we had to do a research assignment .
Now, I help current students achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to schools because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

Beverly Pierce – Academic Writing Professional – Sergreport Company


12 ambercrou June 3, 2019 at 4:46 am

My name is Amber. And I am a professional academic writer with many years of experience in writing.

My goal is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several organizations as a volunteer and have assisted people in many ways.
My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a passionate writer who started at an early age.
I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my works in different countries like France and others too numerous to mention.
I also work in an organization that provides assistance to many people from different parts of the world. Students always come to me because I work no matter how difficult their projects are. I help them to save money, because I feel happy when people come to me for writing help.

Ghost Writer – Amber – Rhythmnmotionstudio Company


13 sabrinar July 2, 2019 at 9:22 am

Thanks for visiting,
I’m Sabrina Russell.
If you’ve ever been too busy and couldn’t finish a research paper , then you’ve come to the right place. I work with students in all areas of the writing technique. I can also write the paper from start to finish.
My career as an academic writer started during high school. After learning that I was very skilled in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a job .

Skilled Academic Writer- Sabrina- Check this Corps


14 katyapat July 9, 2019 at 7:55 am

Thanks for stopping by my page! I’m Katya.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my mother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite teacher . I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research paper .
Now, I help current pupils achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

Katya Patel – Professional Writer – Click here Team


15 amikenn August 7, 2019 at 9:18 am

Hello and welcome to my blog . I’m Ami.
I have always dreamed of being a novelist but never dreamed I’d make a career of it. In college, though, I helped a fellow student who needed help. She could not stop complimenting me . Word got around and someone asked me for to help them just a week later. This time they would compensate me for my work.
During the summer, I started doing research papers for students at the local college. It helped me have fun that summer and even funded some of my college tuition. Today, I still offer my writing services to students.

Professional Writer – Ami Kennedy – //]Tahoeshotokan Band


16 jenarey September 23, 2019 at 11:47 am

Hello ,
I’m Jena.
If you’ve ever been too busy and couldn’t finish a academic paper, then you’ve come to the right place. I assist students in all areas of the writing process . I can also write the essay from start to finish.
My career as a professional writer started early in college . After learning that I was very capable in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a profession.

Skilled Academic Writer- Jena Reyes- Allmyblog Corps


17 joannab October 10, 2019 at 9:15 am

Hello All
Thanks for checking out my academic writing page . My name is Joanna.
I have worked several years in this niche. My aptitude for writing started at a young age. I wrote journaled as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into journalism eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for professional writers. I specialize in dissertations , but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Contact me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

Academic Writer – Joanna Bird – – Screenwritermag Corps


18 mcmillan October 10, 2019 at 10:20 am

Welcome to my blog ,
I’m Colleen.
If you’ve ever been too busy and couldn’t finish a research paper , then you’ve come to the right place. I assist students in all areas of the writing technique. I can also write the assignment from start to finish.
My career as an academic writer started during high school. After learning that I was very able in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a job .

Skilled Academic Writer- Colleen- //]Sncollegevarkalaalumni Corp


19 katrinamer October 16, 2019 at 9:35 am

Hi and welcome to my blog . I’m Katrina.
I have always dreamed of being a writer but never dreamed I’d make a career of it. In college, though, I assisted a fellow student who needed help. She could not stop complimenting me . Word got around and someone asked me for writing help just a week later. This time they would compensate me for my work.
During the summer, I started doing research paper writing for students at the local college. It helped me have fun that summer and even funded some of my college tuition. Today, I still offer my research paper writing to students.

Professional Writer – Katrina Merrill – Soundgardenkinganimal Corps


20 jillianwal October 22, 2019 at 9:44 am

Hi everyone , I’m Jillian.
Welcome to my homepage . I started writing in my early school years after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for a while before I thought about doing something else.
I had always loved doing non-fiction writing because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing ability with a love of learning, dissertation writing only makes sense as a job.
I’m passionate about helping the students of the future in their school career. When they don’t like their assignment , I am there to help.

Jillian Walter – Writing Expert – //]OnlinegraphicartsschoolsTeam


21 janawood October 30, 2019 at 7:00 am

Welcome Everyone
Thanks for checking out my about page. My name is Jana.
I have worked a long time in this niche. My aptitude for writing started at a young age. I wrote short stories as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into news reporting eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for skilled writers. I specialize in essays, but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Contact me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

Academic Writer – Jana Woods – Csnbiologyclub Corp


22 gordonp November 13, 2019 at 1:18 pm

Hello, my name is Gordon Parra!

I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
Writing has been my passion for a long time and now I can`t imagine my life without it.
Most of my works were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves.
People ask me “Sir, Gordon, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems!

Professional Writer – Gordon – Lefestivalducourt Corps


23 wilson November 25, 2019 at 3:54 am

Hi guys, it’s Wilson Wheeler here!
I work as an academic writer and have created this content with the intent of changing your life for the better. I started honing my writing abilities in high school. I learned that my fellow students needed writing help—and they were willing to pay for it. The money was enough to help pay my tuition for my first semester of college.
Ever since school, I have continued to work as an academic writer. I was hired by a writing company based in the United Kingdom. Since then, the dissertations that I have written have been sold around Europe and the United States.
In my line of work, I have become accustomed to hearing, “Wilson, can you help me meet my writing assignment deadline?” I know that I can provide this service.

Professional Writer – Wilson Wheeler – //]BronwynLeigh Company


24 liam December 2, 2019 at 4:43 am

Thanks for stopping by my page! I’m Liam.
Even though I jokingly credit my aunt for my writing talent, I know that it is a talent I have fostered from childhood. Though my grandmother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research writing assignment.
Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to schools because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

Liam Scott – Academic Writing Professional – natalie3107 Team


25 caramelia December 9, 2019 at 3:47 am

Hey, my name is Caramelia Sanchez!

I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
Writing has been my passion since early years and now I cannot imagine my life without it.
Most of my works were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time.
People ask me “Please, Caramelia Sanchez, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems!

Professional Writer – Caramelia – Paper Written Confederation


26 sebastien December 13, 2019 at 4:18 am

Thanks for stopping by my page! I’m Sebastien.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my mother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite teacher . I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research assignment .
Now, I help current students achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.

Sebastien – Academic Writer – url=]7 Tips To Improve Your Business Writing Band


27 kiefer December 15, 2019 at 10:34 am

Hello ,
I’m Kiefer.
If you’ve ever been too busy and couldn’t finish a research paper , then you’ve come to the right place. I work with students in all areas of the writing process . I can also write the essay from start to finish.
My career as a scholarly writer started during high school. After learning that I was very talented in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a career .

Professional Academic Writer- Kiefer- Confederation


28 lucille December 20, 2019 at 5:31 am

My name is Lucille Donald. And I am a professional Content writer with many years of experience in writing.

My primary goal is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several organizations as a volunteer and have assisted people in many ways.
My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a passionate writer who started at an early age.
I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my books in different countries like USA, Russia and others too numerous to mention.
I also work in an organization that provides assistance to many people from different parts of the world. Students always come to me because I work no matter how hard their projects are. I help them to save time, because I feel fulfilled when people come to me for professional help.

Ghost Writer – Lucille – Company


29 evamccarthy December 24, 2019 at 5:01 am

Welcome everyone ! I’m Eva Mccarthy.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my grandmother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in science when we had to do a research writing assignment.
Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

Eva Mccarthy – Academic Writing Professional – Corps


30 mamie December 28, 2019 at 4:03 am

Hi guys, it’s Mamie here!
I work as an academic writer and have created this content with the intent of changing your life for the better. I started honing my writing abilities in high school. I learned that my fellow students needed writing help—and they were willing to pay for it. The money was enough to help pay my tuition for my remaining semesters of college.
Ever since high school, I have continued to work as an academic writer. I was hired by a writing company based in the United Kingdom. Since then, the dissertations that I have created have been sold around Europe and the United States.
In my line of work, I have become accustomed to hearing, “Mamie, can you help me meet my writing assignment deadline?” I know that I can save their time.

Academic Writer – Mamie – mypethypothesis.comConfederation


31 matei February 24, 2020 at 6:35 am

Hello ,
I’m Matei.
If you’ve ever been too busy and couldn’t finish a academic paper, then you’ve come to the right place. I work with students in all areas of the writing technique. I can also write the paper from start to finish.
My career as a scholarly writer started during high school. After learning that I was very capable in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a career .

Skilled Academic Writer- Matei- Company


32 donte February 28, 2020 at 11:18 am

Welcome to my blog ! I’m Donte.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my grandmother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research paper .
Now, I help current students achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.

Donte – Professional Writer – Corp


33 jordyn March 3, 2020 at 7:31 am

Welcome everyone ! I’m Jordyn.
Even though I jokingly credit my mother for my writing talent, I know that it is a talent I have fostered from childhood. Though my aunt is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite educator. I was always so excited in English when we had to do a research assignment .
Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to communities because I understand the obstacles they must overcome to graduate.

Jordyn Livingston – Professional Writer – Company


34 brayden March 12, 2020 at 10:19 am

Hi and welcome to my webpage. I’m Calvin Edwards.
I have always dreamed of being a book writer but never dreamed I’d make a career of it. In college, though, I helped a fellow student who needed help. She could not stop telling me how well I had done. Word got around and someone asked me for to help them just a week later. This time they would pay me for my work.
During the summer, I started doing academic writing for students at the local college. It helped me have fun that summer and even funded some of my college tuition. Today, I still offer my research paper writing to students.

Professional Writer – Calvin Edwards – Company


35 marianna March 18, 2020 at 9:03 am

Hello guys, I am Marianna Jacobson an expert in report writing.

I enjoy solving people’s problems and make them happy. That is what I have been doing for decades now.
I have been writing since I was 12 years old and never knew it would turn out to be a full-time career. I have also been able to handle several assignments that involves writing. And I worked in three organizations as a volunteer to assist people.My hobbie has always been to help people succeed. And I go the extra mile to make that happen.
I enjoy writing academic papers and have helped people from countries like China.
I work with a service provider whose mission is to provide quality works and make people happy. In fact, many people come to me for professional help on a daily basis because they know I always deliver. And I will continue to provide nothing but the best to build trust like I have been doing for the past few years.

Expert academic writer – Marianna Jacobson – Corp


36 bentley March 19, 2020 at 4:25 am

Hi Everybody
Thanks for checking out my writing website . My name is Regan.
I have worked several years in this niche. My interest in writing started at a young age. I wrote poetry as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into journalism eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for skilled writers. I specialize in research papers , but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Email me for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

Academic Writer – Regan Hackett – Confederation


37 alton April 3, 2020 at 4:39 am

Hello guys, my name is Alton Sawyer!

I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all
Writing has been my passion since early years and now I cannot imagine my life without it.
Most of my books were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even Russia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves.
People ask me “Mr, Alton Sawyer, I need your professional help” and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time!

Professional Academic Writer – Alton Sawyer – 10 Most Common College Freshman Mistakes Confederation


38 kalem April 21, 2020 at 3:39 am

Welcome everyone ! I’m Kalem.
Even though I jokingly credit my aunt for my writing talent, I know that it is a ability I have fostered from childhood. Though my mother is a writer, I also started out young.
I’ve always had a way with words, according to my favorite professor . I was always so excited in science when we had to do a research writing assignment.
Now, I help current learners achieve the grades that have always come easily to me. It is my way of giving back to students because I understand the troubles they must overcome to graduate.

Kalem – Professional Writer – Writing recources hints Company


39 montell April 21, 2020 at 3:48 am

Hello ,
I’m Montell Rivera.
If you’ve ever been too tired and couldn’t finish a research assignment , then you’ve come to the right place. I assist students in all areas of the writing technique. I can also write the paper from start to finish.
My career as an academic writer started during my school years . After learning that I was very talented in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a job .

Talented Academic Writer- Montell- Seven tips for writers Company


40 johnathan May 19, 2020 at 3:58 am

Hi Everybody
Thanks for checking out my writing website . My name is Johnathan.
I have worked since high school in this niche. My interest in writing started at a young age. I wrote short stories as a child and eventually went on to work with my school newspaper.
This early tryst into journalism eventually led me to academic writing. There is plenty of work for professional writers. I specialize in essays, but have the skills to do all types of academic writing.
Reach out for more information about rates and a price quote. I’m looking forward to helping you.

Academic Writer – Johnathan – RYANMOORE Corps


41 leticia May 19, 2020 at 3:59 am

Hello, it’s Leticia here!
I work as an academic writer and have created this content with the intent of changing your life for the better. I started honing my writing skills in college. I learned that my fellow students needed writing help—and they were willing to pay for it. The money was enough to help pay my tuition for my remaining semesters of college.
Ever since high school, I have continued to work as a professional writer. I was hired by a writing service based in the United Kingdom. Since then, the research papers that I have written have been sold around Europe and the United States.
In my line of work, I have become accustomed to hearing, “Leticia Holding, can you help me meet my writing assignment deadline?” I know that I can provide this service.

Academic Writer – Leticia – Jason Blois Corp


42 genevieve May 19, 2020 at 4:05 am

Hello ,
I’m Genevieve Blackwell.
If you’ve ever been overscheduled and couldn’t finish a academic paper, then you’ve come to the right place. I assist students in all areas of the writing technique. I can also write the essay from start to finish.
My career as a professional writer started during my school years . After learning that I was very skilled in the field of academic writing, I decided to take it up as a career .

Talented Academic Writer- Genevieve- RMoore Company


43 anton May 28, 2020 at 5:38 am

My name is Anton. And I am a professional Content writer with many years of experience in writing.

My goal is to solve problems related to writing. And I have been doing it for many years. I have been with several organizations as a volunteer and have assisted clients in many ways.
My love for writing has no end. It is like the air we breathe, something I cherish with all my being. I am a passionate writer who started at an early age.
I’m happy that I`ve already sold several copies of my poems in different countries like England and others too numerous to mention.
I also work in a company that provides assistance to many students from different parts of the world. People always come to me because I work no matter how hard their projects are. I help them to save time, because I feel happy when people come to me for professional help.

Academic Writer – Anton Castro – Do writer needs a blog? Corp


44 jeanne June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am

Good day and welcome to my blog . I’m Jeanne Denton.
I have always dreamed of being a writer but never dreamed I’d make a career of it. In college, though, I aided a fellow student who needed help. She could not stop telling me how well I had done. Word got around and someone asked me for to write their paper just a week later. This time they would compensate me for my work.
During the summer, I started doing research papers for students at the local college. It helped me have fun that summer and even funded some of my college tuition. Today, I still offer my writing skills to students.

Writing Specialist – Jeanne – Company


45 ianis July 7, 2020 at 9:54 am

Hello, I’m Ianis Bowers.
Welcome to my website . I started writing in my early school years after a creative writing assignment for my English teacher. I did creative writing for several months before I thought about doing something else.
I had always loved doing research papers because I’m passionate about learning. When you combine writing skill with a love of learning, dissertation writing only makes sense as a job.
I’m passionate about assisting the students of the future in their school career. When they get too busy, I am there to help.

Ianis – Writing Expert – Band


46 DanielHox November 17, 2020 at 8:13 pm

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47 capstan November 18, 2021 at 10:51 am

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