At the Tarragon Theatre Extra Space until May 6. Written and directed by Daniel MacIvor. Starring: Clare Coulter, Caroline Gillis and Jessica Moss.
Produced by the Tarragon Theatre. Box Office: 416-531-1827
Three women remember a tragic event. Old Kitty, middle-aged Kath and young Kit. They bicker, snipe, wound and forgive. Are they mother, daughter and granddaughter? Are they the same woman at three stages of her life remembering and lamenting? There are clues. At one point I don’t think it matters. Welcome to pure Daniel MacIvor country.
WAS SPRING is a delicately woven mystery. A story of regret, guilt, avoidance and compassion. It is elegantly written, dazzlingly poetic, multi-layered and squeezes the heart again and again. The performances from Clare Coulter (Kitty), Caroline Gillis (Kath) and Jessica Moss (Kit) are spot on wonderful. MacIvor also directs them with the same fastidiousness that he instills in his writing.
Yet another play proving that Daniel MacIvor is one of our most gifted artists.
Full review on CIUT FRIDAY MORNING (CIUT 89.5FM) April 6, 9 am to 10 am.
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I got nothing out of this play. It may be poetic, but who talks that way? I’m confused. I thought it was three different women until others told me no, it’s the same woman at three different points in life. I was bored. It didn’t really matter to me by the end which interpretation is correct. And I’m afraid one of the three actors, while trying hard, just wasn’t experienced to put her role across. As for Clare Coulter, at first I thought she was gumming her lines. Oh, how clever, I thought. She’s playing an older woman without teeth. Then I realized she wasn’t always enunciating as clearly as she might. Oh, well. I have enjoyed other work by Daniel McIvor a lot more.