At the Young Centre for the Performing Arts. Created by Ins Choi, Raquel Duffy, Ken MacKenzie, Gregory Prest, Mike Ross. Based on the book of poems by Dennis Lee. Designed by Ken MacKenzie.
Produced by Soulpepper.
Alligator Pie, Dennis Lee’s beloved kid’s book of poems, is being given a rousing, joyful, hugely creative production by five gifted Soulpepper artists. Ins Choi, Raquel Duffy, Ken MacKenzie, Gregory Prest, and Mike Ross create music from snapping staplers, unravelling sticky tape, whacking tubes on each other, and stomping on bubble wrap. They have set many of the poems from Alligator Pie to music. The sweet, simple poems deal with finding and be grateful for a friend; being a trickster at the supper table; being devoted to a pie made of alligator, and many other whimsical, touching things.
It’s a terrific show for kids and their parents. But for all the enthusiasm and creativity of the cast, the result is too clever by half for this simple work. Often images are so vivid the poem it is supposed to support disappears and all you remember is the image.
Full review on CIUT FRIDAY MORNING 89.5 FM Friday, Nov. 9 between 9 am and 10 am.