At the Young Centre for the Performing Arts, Distillery District, Toronto, Ont.
Written and directed by Michael Hollingsworth
Props by Brad Harley
Costumes by Astrid Janson
Sound by Jake Blackwood
Starring: Aurora Brown
Richard Alan Campbell
Cyrus Faird
Mac Fyfe
Craig Lauzon
Linda Prystawska
Michaela Washburn
Trudeau and Levesque (1971-1982) continues on where Trudeau and the FLQ left off with the same bitingly funny results.
The Story. The play follows Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau clearly in charge and relishing handling the many challenges thrown in his way: constitutional reform requiring all provinces agree; getting Premier René Lévesque on side; winning a majority parliament and working in a minority government; coping with a troubled wife and fatherhood. You get a fine sense of the underhanded goings-on with the RCMP spying on and paying informants in various government offices.
The Production. The style and flair established in Trudeau and the FLQ continues without a blip in Trudeau and Levesque. While this segment follows Trudeau and the FLQ chronologically, you can see either show in any order but of course chronologically puts it all in perspective. The cast again plays multiple roles except for Mac Fyfe who has only one role here, Pierre Trudeau. Again, they all are splendid.
VideoCabaret presents:
Run: plays to June 20, 2015.
Cast: 7; 4 men, 3 women
Running Time: 2 hours, 15 minutes.
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I’ve stopped wiachtng him completely. Too aggravating. When I did, however, it was funny to count how many times he used the word but following a response from a CPC MP or minister. And in most cases, he never allowed the Conservative to even finish his/her comment. But he’s very polite and cordial with the opps, always allowing them to complete their comments. On those occasions, he is completely silent in the background, even when they’re making over the top, hyperbole-laden comments. One wonders how who would operate under a Lib gov’t or some coalition with the NDP. Would he join with the opps Conservatives in the pile-on? Hardly, in the scenario, much of his comments would be designed to deflect criticism of the new gov’t, rebutting the conservative opps much of the time by saying, but what about when you guys were in power? .I agree. Solomon should throw his hat into the ring. Until that happens, however, my advice would be to completely tune him out.
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