by Lynn on August 5, 2016

in The Passionate Playgoer

At the Factory Theatre Studio

Written by Anthony MacMahon
Directed by Ted Witzel

Anthony MacMahon explores the world of program developers on the internet; the lure of money at all cost; the cost of sacrificing your ideals and morals when money beckons.

MacMahon’s premise is intriguing and so is his facility with the intricate language of big money deals and the minutiae of data gathering. There are many surprises in this one. It could do with some tightening.

Ted Witzel rises to the occasion and loads this production with projections, techno wizardry and layered sound effects. Since I saw the first performance I assume the projections will be clearer and sharper for future performances. Same with the sound. I can appreciate sometimes recorded sound/music has to be loud but I think we are supposed to be able to make out what is being said.

There is a nice flow to the blocking and direction. The acting is fine.

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