Sara Schwartz Geller is a producing dynamo. She has produced theatre and film internationally. Perhaps her most ambitious theatre experience was co-producing The Curious Voyage with Arkady Spivak, Artistic Producer of Talk is Free Theatre, in Barrie, Ont. Over three days a group of hardy participants followed clues and participated in site-specific adventures beginning in Barrie, Ont. and ending in London, England, culminating in a musical that exemplified everything the group experienced on the voyage.
I was on the first voyage (there were several after that) and got a first hand look at how efficient, fearless and committed Geller was to serving her audience and making them feel comfortable, certainly on this wild theatre adventure. It was clear late in the evening of the first day that there was a concerning issue. Arkady Spivak was set to depart by plane from Toronto to London, England that evening (11:30 pm) and be in England the next day, ready to welcome that first group of voyagers when they landed in England. Spivak was e-mailed of the difficulty as the plane was about to depart. He e-mailed Geller immediately. The next morning, at 5:00 am the group was to be picked up by limo in Barrie, Ont., driven to Pearson International Airport in Toronto where we would take the 9:00 am flight to England where we would land at 9 pm that same day.
That morning, at 5:00 am Sara Schwartz Geller was in Barrie to assure us the problem had been resolved completely and no further issues would arise. She wished us a bon voyage. She lives in Toronto, but at 5:00 am she was in Barrie to tell us all was ok and to have a great trip. I want this woman on my side if I get into trouble.
During the pandemic there is no in-person theatre. She had productions ready to go that were cancelled. This did not stopped the ‘producer’ in Sara Schwartz Geller. Instead of producing theatre she began producing soup. She formed a soup company called The Toronto Soup Co. which produces and sells soup out of her newly created store called Soul Provisions (571 Vaughn Road; 647-654-5065). And in keeping with her care and consideration of people, she donates soup to people in need with every container of soup she sells.
There are vegan, vegetarian and meat choices of soup. I’ve had all three variations and they are hardy, substantial and delicious. The hummus is the creamiest I have ever tasted. There are grain salads and other healthy meal choices. This summer she created an ice-lolly using the best fruit juices and if chocolate was involved it was Ghirardelli. Woow. The menu changes every month and you can order on line or go to the store where there is more choice. Delivery is free. If you are lucky Johnny will deliver your soup, a courtly, gracious, charming man.
Geller employs artists/theatre people to work in the store. She pays everybody very well. She displays and sells their art. Sara Schwartz Geller is a woman who is grateful for her good fortune and works to give back to the community and play it forward. She is an example to us all of how to live a good, conscientious life. The soup is delish. Try the hummus as well.
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Very nice article and deserving. Sara is a neighbour of our’s in the 1000 Islands.