Wednesday, June 2, 2021
We are thrilled to have you join us Around the World in 80 Plays, our eight-week global adventure of audio dramas, in-depth documentaries from CBC Ideas, and cultural highlights celebrating the global ‘canon’. This week we welcome you to Jamaica for the premiere of SHE MAMI WATA & THE PXSSYWITCH HUNT written and performed by London-based dub poet, theatre interventionist & decolonial scholar, d’bi.young anitafrika.– Available to stream beginning this Wednesday, June 2.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
MH370 is now boarding! CLICK HERE TO EXPERIENCE MH370! May 31 to June 15 For the best audio experience, please use headphones. While there is both a mobile and desktop experience, we recommend using a laptop or desktop for the most full-featured version of the installation. Coordinating remotely with over 40 outstanding artists during the pandemic, fu-GEN Theatre is proud to present the durational, immersive and interactive audio installation MH370. Comprising over 1100 intricately connected pieces, this audio installation is unlike anything fu-GEN has attempted before. The 7 hour and 40 minute project runs around the clock from May 31 to June 15, allowing listeners to choose their own audio journey among the 227 passengers on board. |
“With the circumstances of the pandemic dictating our modes of creation, we wanted a project that was intended to be consumed digitally and at home… while maintaining the unique theatricality that has become emblematic of our experimental work,” says fu-GEN’s Artistic Director David Yee. “MH370 provided us with the opportunity to work with a landmark number of artists from across the country in a way that felt vital and urgent, leveraging the platforms we have available to create together while being, by necessity, apart. This project has been a constant negotiation of new ways to create and deliver artistic content, developing new technology that centers the art and the audience experience, consistently innovating and evolving our artistic practice.” MH370 is a digital feat that balances theatricality, intimacy and technology, challenging and pushing the boundaries by questioning how theatre persists during a global pandemic. With immersive audio soundscapes and a deceptively simple online apparatus, MH370 examines the experience of loss and erasure as people move between states; whether it be culture, geography, or navigating personal relationships. Audio content is constantly in flux, the same passenger will have different content depending on when you listen during the 7 hour and 40 minute flight time. As each listener will make their own personal choices of who to follow and when, each person’s experience of this installation is exceptionally unique and almost impossible to repeat, invoking the ephemerality of theatre… or a vanishing plane. CREDITS: WRITTEN BY: Eva Barrie, Derek Chan, Jeff Ho, April Leung, Coleen MacPherson, Yago Mesquita, Rachel Mutombo, Christina Orjalo, Sepehr Reybod, Jennifer Villaverde, David Yee FEATURING: Arlen Aguayo-Stewart, Andrea Bang, Myles Botten, Jasmine Chen, Adrian Choong, Emma Ferreira, Vienna Hehir, Cynthia Jimenez-Hicks, Cameron Kneteman, Eponine Lee, Richard Lee, April Leung, Milton Lim, Michael Man, Marina Moreira, Natasha Mumba, Christina Orjalo, Marissa Orjalo, Sepehr Reybod, Jobina Sitoh, Jovanni Sy, Johnny Wu, Lindsay Wu, Conor Wylie, Raugi Yu, Mo Zeighami WEB APP DEVELOPMENT: Anton Sukhovatkin SOUND DESIGN: Michelle Bensimon SOUND ENGINEERING: Anthony Abbatangelo ART DIRECTION AND GRAPHIC DESIGN: Eric Michael (Super Always) SOUND TECHNICIAN AND ASSISTANT ENGINEER: Thaddeus Pun |
Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:00 pm
february: a love story
Winter. A date. Outside. He wants commitment. She wants a good time.
I saw it when it streamed before, elsewhere. It’s wonderful. My review of that previous showing:
Join us for a Live Viewing Party on Thursday, June 3 at 7pm EDT
He’s looking for feelings, she’s looking for a rebound… To stave off the pandemic blues, two mismatched millennials try their hand at “short-distance dating,” but can they?
Thursday, June 3, 2021. 8:00 pm
Broadway on Demand.
Ohio State Murders
By Adrienne Kennedy
Starring Audra McDonald.
By Adrienne Kennedy Directed by Kenny Leon Starring Audra McDonald, Warner Miller, Lizan Mitchell, Ben Rappaport Date: June 3rd, 2021 at 8:00PM ET Ohio State Murders is an unusual look at the destructiveness of racism in the U.S. When Suzanne Alexander, a fictional African American writer, who returns to Ohio State University to talk about the violence in her writing, a dark mystery unravels. DEAR ELIZABETH By Sarah Ruhl Directed by Kate Whoriskey Starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline Date: June 17th, 2021 at 8:00PM ET Based on the compiled letters between poets Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop, Dear Elizabeth maps the relationship of the two poets from first meeting to an abbreviated affair – and the turmoil of their lives in between. |
Sunday, June 6, 2021. 6:30 pm
Streamed reading of
By Norm Foster
Foster’s 1812 is this week!
Two towns. A bridge connecting them and a border dividing them.
When the war of 1812 breaks out, the neighbouring border towns of St. Stephen, New Brunswick and Calais, Maine are reluctant to go to war against each other. The people in each community have built life-long friendships – freely crossing the bridge that connects them for daily visits. Literally overnight, the war quickly redefines their world as they know it and their lives are forever changed. Through humour and Foster’s trademark witty dialogue, 1812 examines the meaning of friendship, love and loyalty.
Join us on Sunday, June 6 for a LIVE streamed reading of Norm Foster’s new play, 1812. And if you can’t catch the reading live, don’t worry, you will have access to the replay for 72 hours.
Reading Start Time
6:30PM (ET)
The play/reading is in Two Acts, with a 10-minute intermission. Total running time is approximately 2 hours.
An exclusive streaming link will be emailed to you on the morning of Friday, June 4 so you can test the link a day in advance.
Norm Foster talks about his new play, 1812 !
We loved chatting with Norm Foster about his new play, 1812. It was so interesting we had to share it with you, Foster Fans.
Foster Festival Artistic Producer Emily Oriold, and Canadian Playwright Norm Foster, discuss how Norm came up with the idea of 1812, his inspiration for writing this play, and the upcoming LIVE reading.
Watch this newest episode of five For foster on YouTube.
The sale or other issuance of any ticket is final and non-refundable. An online link will be emailed to you the morning of June 4, 2021. The email will come from Please add the email address to your contacts list to prevent the email from going to your junk/spam folder.