A Call for Help from the Coal Mine Theatre

by Lynn on October 4, 2022

in The Passionate Playgoer

Below is a call for help for the Coal Mine Theater that I think is a very worth-while endeavor.

It’s a small but mighty company that does stunning work on a shoe string. They recently endured a fire that has meant that after soul-searching, they must move from their small space and find another. That takes money. I’ve donated. I hope to donate more.

Please read the message from Ted Dykstra below–he is co-artistic director of the theatre with Diana Bentley–and if you can donate, please do.

Dear, Dear Friends Of The Coal Mine!!

“Ted Dykstra here. 

Thank you so much for donating to The FireWall Of Fame. As you likely know we are moving, and we can’t wait to share details of that news with you, very soon. 

As we try to raise north of $250,000 to cover the expenses of rebuilding what we need in the new space, I am so happy to share that because of people like you, we have thus far raised over $140,000! 

I am writing to you today to ask if you can think of anyone else in your personal and professional circles who might want to help us by donating to our beloved theatre.

If you could copy the link below and send it out to as many people as you see fit, or post to the same on social media, asking if they can help, we would begin to “expand our base”, and it would be both greatly appreciated and very significant to our necessitated growth. 

No worries whatever if this is something that makes you uncomfortable, believe me I understand! 

The link to send your list should you wish:


See you soon in the new space and thanks for your time and your generosity.

Feel free to call me with any questions or suggestions!

Ted 416-435-4993″

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