Review: TIME & TIDE

by Lynn on October 10, 2024

in The Passionate Playgoer

Live and in person at Mandeville Theatre, Ridley College, St. Catharines, Ont. Playing until Oct. 13, 2024 and part of the Foster Festival.

Written by Jody Stevens McCluskey

Directed by Jamie Williams

Set by Beckie Morris

Costumes by Alexa Fraser

Lighting by Stacy Graham

Cast: Donna Belleville

Raquel Duffy

Rahul Gandhi

Stephen Guy-McGrath

Evelyn Wiebe

A sweet play about family.

Note: The Foster Festival, that produces the plays of Norm Foster, launched a new play development program to bring fresh new stories and voices to the Foster Festival Stage. There were 72 submissions and three were chosen for an initial production last spring. Time & Tide was one of the three. Then the audience chose the one to go on for a full production. Time & Tide was chosen by the audience to go forward for a full production. This is it.

Playwright Jody Stevens McCluskey has written a sweet play about family and devotion. It’s set in Newfoundland. Rose has come home from being away to see her family: her mother Kathleen, her father Will and her Nan (Grandmother). They are overjoyed to see her since she’s  been away for so long. The whole town plans to welcome her, which she is not looking forward to because she’s brought Jarrod. Jarrod and Rose have been dating for 18 months, unbeknownst to her family. She never told them until now, when she brought him home.

It’s because there is so much unspoken pressure to find a mate and marry. Nan had seven children. Rose’s mother Kathleen found her soulmate in Will when Will was eight. They have been married for 28 years and are totally devoted to each other. They are loving, lusty, giddy and still passionate about each other. Rose is not sure she can have that kind of passion with Jarrod even though he is devoted to her.

Playwright Jody Stevens McCluskey has filled Time & Tide with ‘down home humour’ the wonderful turns of phrase of Newfoundland, the quirkiness and solidness of its characters. The humour comes naturally to characters who are naturally funny.

The acting under Jamie Williams’ direction is committed, solid and sweet. The characters shine.

The Foster Festival Presents:

Plays until Oct. 13, 2024.

Running time: 2 hours approx..

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Peter Rand October 11, 2024 at 1:18 am

Lynn – I confess I did not understand whose funeral they went to and who Rose was mourning the death of, someone lost at sea???


2 Lynn October 11, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Hi Peter, It was her father Will, who died too young at 50. The play went back and forth in time. But it was her father. Hope this helps. L


3 Peter Rand October 11, 2024 at 6:51 pm

……but her father and mother played live for most of the play…????


4 Lynn October 12, 2024 at 12:21 am

When the family wore black Will was nowhere to be seen because he’d just died and it was his funeral. The play went back and forth in time with scenes….Trust me….the funeral was Will’s.
